Which do You Think was the #1 State People Moved to in 2019?

Which of the below do YOU think was the #1 state people moved to in 2019?

See the correct answer later on next week when we reveal our annual National Movers Study.

1. Arizona
2. Idaho
3. New Mexico
4. Oregon
5. South Carolina

Stay Tuned

On January 2, 2020, we will release the results of our 2019 National Movers Study. We’ll include top inbound and outbound states, reasons for moving (including retirement, family, jobs and lifestyle) and demographic data (including age and income).

About Our Annual National Movers Study

Since 1977, United Van Lines has annually tracked migration patterns on a state-by-state basis. The 2018 study is based on household moves handled by United within the 48 contiguous states and Washington, D.C. and ranks states based off the inbound and outbound percentages of total moves in each state. United classifies states as “high inbound” if 55 percent or more of the moves are going into a state, “high outbound” if 55 percent or more moves were coming out of a state or “balanced” if the difference between inbound and outbound is negligible.

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See Our Past Studies

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