How to Tell Loved Ones You’re Moving

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You’ve already made the big decision that it’s time to move on. So besides finding your new place, getting your move quote and assembling packing materials, the most delicate move-related task you need to tackle may well be telling the people nearest and dearest to about it. Whether it’s breaking the news to parents who’ve always been there for you, kids who’ll be switching schools or friends who’ve been a support network, not to mention the foundation of your social life, moving comes with its fair share of tricky conversations. 

For this article, let’s assume you’re about to embark on a long-distance moving adventure, not just relocating to the next town. If this is the case, here are some tips for share this exciting update with parents, kids, friends and others while keeping these relationships intact. 

Parents and In-Laws: Break the News Gently 

This might be the toughest conversation of all, so we recommend that, if you have a partner, you tell each parent or set of parents together. Presenting a united front show you’ve made this decision as a couple, even if one of you is the trailing partner.  

Start by sitting them down – preferably in person – and letting them know you have something important news to share. Explain that you’ve decided to move and why and keep your reasons as positive and upbeat as possible. Reassure them that they will remain an important part of your life and answer any questions they have honestly, yet tactfully. It may come as a shock at first, so give them time to process what you’ve told them.  

Kids: Be Open and Straightforward  

Start by calling a family meeting. This gives your kids a heads-up that you have something important to share. Explain that the family is moving and try to anticipate the types of questions they might ask. Be honest, but also do your best to put a positive spin on what’s about to happen. Focus on the benefits of moving to help them feel good about it. If your kids are older, expect the conversation to move toward the social impact on their lives – saying goodbyes to friends and social activities and sports in which they’ve been taking part. This could be an appropriate time to show them pictures of their new neighborhood, schools, and activities. If possible, also plan a visit to check out parks, playgrounds, sports fields and other local attractions. 

It’s always a good idea to get the kids involved in the whole moving process. Have them help pack up their rooms and pick out decor for the new place. Let them make decisions about what they want their new space to look like. In short, make them feel in control of what’s happening and excited about the possibilities ahead.  

Get more tips about preparing your kids before the move and the actual moving day

Friends: Make a Play Date 

Telling your close friends you’re moving can be bittersweet so choose your words carefully. Our advice? Think about inviting your BFF for coffee or the couple next door for drinks. Explain in person your reasons for the move and share how you’re feeling. Be honest that you’ll miss them, ask for their support and let them know you want to make the most of the time you have left together. Promise to stay in touch and keep that promise! Let your children invite school friends as well so they can start to say their goodbyes.  

Video Chat Often 

Remember, no matter how far away you move, technology can bridge the gap. Commit to regular video chats to catch up, vent about life’s frustrations, and simply see each other’s faces. You’ll find it really doesn’t take much effort to stay in touch, especially if it’s a relationship that’s worth keeping.  

Is a Move in the Works?  

Why not let the professionals at United Van Lines take care of the heavy lifting? United’s full-service moving packages provide flexibility to mix and match the services you want and need, from packing and unpacking to standard furniture placement.     

Get a quote from United Van Lines today.     

Do you need help settling in? Check out our other blogs for moving tips and packing advice, as well as city guides and a wealth of other helpful, time-saving information. 

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