Home Maintenance for Spring: Inside and Out

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If yours was a late autumn or winter move, a lot of routine maintenance may have fallen by the wayside as move-related tasks piled up and the weather got colder. But now spring is fast approaching and it’s time to finally get your new home ready for spring and summer fun. 

A thorough spring cleaning not only helps declutter your home, but it will also improve your mood and overall wellbeing. And in terms of curb appeal, tidying up outdoor areas also helps your property look its best for the peak season of summer entertaining.  

In this article, we’ll provide a handy checklist of tasks – from deep cleaning to yardwork – to help you freshen up your home, inside and out.  

When Should You Start? 

The sooner the better! As the weather warms up in March or April, open the windows and let fresh air circulate throughout your home. Want a more specific timeframe? Start your spring cleaning on the weekend nearest the first day of spring. And whether it’s outside work or interior spaces, tackle one area or chore at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Even doing a little bit each weekend will make an enormous difference. 

Ready, Set Clean! 

Schedule appointments ahead of time. For example, if you’re going to have t carpets cleaned and the outside windows washed, get these appointments nailed down well in advance. In the spirit of “Whistle While You Work,” gamify your spring-cleaning routine a bit by making a playlist of your favorite songs.  

Inside of the House 

Here’s an important tip: Always clean from the top down. For example, dust before you vacuum and clean upper surfaces before lower. It just keeps everything you’ve already cleaned from getting dirty again.   

Walls, Ceilings and Baseboards 

Even recently painted walls and baseboards could probably use a good going over. For lighter colored walls and ceilings, a good dust mop gently brushed over the surface will probably suffice. And if you have built-in bookshelves, crown moldings and baseboards, it’s time to give them a one-over with an all-purpose cleaner (such as Spic and Span or Mr. Clean).  

Upholstered Furnishings and Rugs 

These spring cleaning must-dos are often left to professionals and as we mentioned above, get these tasks scheduled ASAP. If you’re going the DIY route, visit your local home improvement store and rent an industrial-strength carpet cleaning machine. Many also have an upholstery attachment that can pull a lot of dirt away from the fabric of a chair or sofa. Hint: do a test cleaning of an inconspicuous part of your furniture before continuing. 

Curtains, Drapes and Blinds 

Take down all the drapes and curtains in your home, one room at a time. Simple cotton or synthetic fabric curtains can be run through the wash; heavier drapes and window treatments should be handled by a dry cleaner.  

Ceiling Fixtures and Fans 

Ceiling fixtures and fans are magnets for cobwebs and dust. Swiffer makes a mop with extension handles that will make a task like this a breeze. Or just get up on a step stool – with the fan OFF – and be careful. 

Windows and Window Screens 

Use a squeegee with a mixture of vinegar and water to clean windows. Screens can pick up a lot of dust and dirt. A few seconds with a garden hose and sprayer attachment should take care of the job.  

Outside of the House

Yard and Garden  

Rake up any remaining leaves and debris from flower beds, lawns, and walkways. Depending upon the types of foundation plants and shrubs you have, spring is also the time when many should be pruned and shaped to allow for new growth to take place. Fertilize your lawn, gardens, and container plants. Choose a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer and follow the directions on the packaging for how much and how often to feed. 

Outdoor Furniture 

Haul out any outdoor furniture and give it a good cleaning with a hose. If you have a power wash attachment on your hose, give your patio and sidewalks a thorough once-over, too.  

Gutters and Downspouts 

Chances are your gutters and downspouts have accumulated a lot of leaves and other debris during the fall and winter. Get out a sturdy ladder (or hire someone) and clean all that gunk out. It might also be the perfect time to install gutter guards. 

Garage and Driveway 

Garages are often the catch-all for all types of clutter and overflow from the home. In addition to getting the space organized, you should sweep the floor to remove winter salt and dirt, wipe down any oil spills and store winter shovels, salt, and other winter gear out of the way.   

Is a Long-Distance Move in the Works?  

Why not let the professionals at United Van Lines take care of the heavy lifting? As America’s #1 Mover®, United’s full-service moving packages provide flexibility to mix and match the services you want and need, from packing and unpacking to standard furniture placement.     

Get a quote from United Van Lines today.     

Do you need help settling in? Check out our other blogs for moving tips and packing advice, as well as city guides and a wealth of other helpful, time-saving information.  

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